Smile for Eczema Expert Sharing - postponed 15 Feb, 2020

Topic: Smile for Eczema Expert Sharing

The event is for children, adolescent and adult sufferers as well as parents who have children and adolescents with eczema. Come and learn about the latest medical treatments and how to cope better with both the physical and psychological impact of eczema on families.

Date & Time

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been postponed due to COVID-19. We hope to be able to run this event later in the year and will update this site when we know further details.


National Library Building, Basement 1
Programme Zone, Central Public Library


Dr Liew Hui Min
Consultant Dermatologist
SOG - HM Liew Skin & Laser Clinic

Dr Mark Koh,
Head & Senior Consultant
Dermatology Service
KK Women's and Children's Hospital

Ms Emmanuelle O'Grady
Registered Clinical Psychologist
Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids Pte Ltd